Inside the Internet of Things - Bryon Moyer Blog
[From last episode: IoT devices need keys so that they can communicate securely. At least one key is installed during manufacturing, and it’s also stored in a database.] Once you unbox your shiny new IoT gadget, you’re supposed to “register” — or on-board — it with the cloud. Why do […]
Read More[From last episode: IoT devices will be built from both hardware and software, and most of that software will be firmware.] There’s a problem in IoT-land. IoT devices are supposed to be connected to the internet – that’s what makes them part of the IoT. But it turns out that […]
Read More[From the last episode: IoT devices (and other systems) can be trained to perform complicated tasks] Today we’re going to cover something that, for anyone involved in technology even just a little , might be obvious. But not everyone has a tech background, so these are some important basic concepts. […]
Read More[From the last episode: Machines can be trained to do tasks that have traditionally been hard for machines but easy for humans.] Training doesn’t happen on an actual IoT device – it takes way too much computing for that. So the training is part of the development of some algorithm […]
Read More[From the last episode: Home routers and even devices can act as fog; in industry, often a dedicated gateway is used.] Before we leave our high-level section on computing notions, we have to something that has many people excited – and many other people worried. Here I’m talking about artificial […]
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