Inside the Internet of Things - Bryon Moyer Blog
[From the last episode: we looked at Alertgy, a new company trying to make accurate, non-invasive glucose testers] We’ve just spent a bunch of time discussing communications. But being able to communicate means you need to get your messages out and in. Which means you need, so to speak, a […]
Read More[From the last episode: We reviewed our communications discussion as it comes to a close, at least for now.] Before we launch into our next general topic – security – I thought it interesting to bring you yet another example of IoT technology in action. This particular one comes to […]
Read More[From the last episode: we saw how spectrum is allocated for different uses, and how the IoT fits in.] OK, let’s take a breather and review what we’ve looked at since last November. Our focus has been on communications, and: We looked at what it means for a machine to […]
Read More[From the last episode: we looked at different styles of programming for IoT devices as well as a couple of communications protocols that follow one or the other approach.] Wireless communication can be a complex business. We’re going to be looking into it in more detail in the future, but […]
Read More[From the last episode: we looked at the notion of idempotence and why it matters for the IoT] Here’s a question: if IoT devices are going to talk to each other and the cloud, they have to do so based on some kind of rules. Like, “If the temperature falls […]
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