Inside the Internet of Things - Bryon Moyer Blog
[From the last episode: We saw how pointers are an important kind of variable, representing data whose location we can’t predict in advance.] We saw last time that pointers are used to store the addresses of data stored in memory space that’s allocated while the program is running. Why might […]
Read More[From the last episode: We looked at the notion of multi-tenanting in cloud servers.] Now that we know that a server that’s helping you or your app may also be helping someone else or their app, let’s look at where some problems may lurk. As we’ve seen, a server consists […]
Read More[From the last episode: We saw where distributed and multicore computing fit into the IoT world.] Let’s spend some time in the cloud now. The story goes that Amazon had to buy tons of computers to handle the holiday crush and wondered what to do with them during the rest […]
Read More[From the last episode: We looked at multicore processors, which use more than one CPU.] We’ve now seen two different ways in which computing can be split up and run on multiple engines at the same time. Those engines can be in different computers or next to each other on […]
Read More[From the last episode: We saw how a problem might be solved by splitting the work up and distributing it over multiple computers.] Distributed computing can be a useful way of solving hard problems. But there’s a limitation: all of that information has to be communicated between the computers to […]
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