This is a manufacturing step where your IoTThe Internet of Things. A broad term covering many different applications where "things" are interconnected through the internet. device gets its own private keyA key that should be known only by your device and, possibly, by someone or something else that your device is communicating with. It must be kept secret.. The keyA number used to encrypt (or encode) information so that no one can read it. Keys are used when encoding and decoding. You shouldn't have to mess with keys yourself. and your device’s ID are likely stored in a databaseA structured way of storing data and relating different pieces of data to each other. (Like, which address belongs to which person.) There are “query” languages, the best-known of which is SQL, that let you enter data into the database, change data that’s already in the database, and retrieve data from the database. so that your device can be recognized when you connect for the first time.