Month: October 2018

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magnetometer fusion

Magnetometers Join the Party

By Bryon Moyer | October 26, 2018 | 0 Comments

[From the last episode: We saw how accelerometers and gyroscopes can work with GPS to improve figuring out where you are.] OK, so we’ve seen how we can have accelerometers and gyros work together, and how they can also work with GPS. In each of these cases, we used a […]

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Dead reckoning

Accels and Gyros: Better Together (with GPS)

By Bryon Moyer | October 19, 2018 | 0 Comments

[From the last episode: We introduced the notion of sensor fusion, where we get more value by combining sensor outputs.] Today we take our first look at specific sensor-fusion applications: mixing accelerometers and gyroscopes. Because this is about determining where we are and where we’re going, there’s one more source […]

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Sensor fusion

Sensor Fusion

By Bryon Moyer | October 12, 2018 | 0 Comments

[From the last episode: A magnetometer can detect the earth’s magnetic field – or any other one.] OK, so we’ve looked at three different sensors that tell us something about our motion – which means that they can also tell us something about our position. There’s a little bit of […]

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Magnetometer - earth


By Bryon Moyer | October 5, 2018 | 0 Comments

[From the last episode: We saw how a gyroscope measures rotation acceleration.] There’s one more sensor we should look at before we take a step back: the magnetometer. This measures a magnetic field. There are lots of ways in which this can be useful, but we’re going to focus specifically […]

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